Smart Law Enforcement using Automatic Number-Plate Recognition
How does AI based ANPR ease the lives of our City Law Enforcers?
November 25, 2020
Stepping slightly aside from the COVID pandemic and coming back to our City Roads on which it’s been a while since we’ve traversed on, people killed due to road accidents still dominate the statistics. Every year on an average, 1.35 Million mishaps are recorded, of which 30% are caused due to over speeding. Approximately 5000 Motorcycle riders get killed year on year due to road accidents. And, $4.6Billion is the loss incurred to the public due to stolen vehicles in 2019. Some may ask, what are the governments and administrators up to? Can’t the laws be more stringent?
Well, the actual challenge lies in the manual intervention in such incidents. Even if the inspector notices a speeding vehicle, would he be able to stop or intercept it without knowing the Licence plate number? The Authorities may have a list of Stolen vehicle and blacklisted drivers, but would it be manually possible to inspect every passing vehicle on a highway? Another challenge is night patrolling and vehicle colour and model identification. Furthermore, the challenges of rain, fog and low visibility still remain.
The Solution
An Automatic Number-Plate Recognition (ANPR/LPR) system is an AI based intelligent system that captures the Number plate image, disintegrates the numbers, processes them and stores the number as a set in the database using Deep Learning algorithms. This process runs on real time basis backed by Intel’s edge computing processors for quick results and high accuracy for precise detection and recognition of the licence plate. ANPR as a solution raises alerts on violation and can be integrated with 3rd party vendors for Automated Challan/Ticket generation, identify blacklisted number plates and vehicle model/colour identification. Not just that, ANPR is being used in a reactive mode by the authorities for forensic investigations also. This feature holds the capacity to capture combinations of the Licence Plate-Driver’s face, Licence Plate-Vehicle colour, Licence Plate-Vehicle type & Licence Plate-Helmet detection. It can also be used to detect over speeding, red light violation, Yellow box Violation and illegal parking.
The ANPR solution is an excellent feature that directly supports the City Law Enforcement segment to curb violations. It also ensures public safety with No-Helmet detection and speed check alerts. This would help reduce the overall accidents caused due to red light violations, over speeding, illegal parking and wrong way driving.
ANPR/LPR as a solution has various other applications such as Vehicle Access control in factory sites, enterprises and high security areas like defence land; Parking Fee Calculator; Tolling and capturing interstate vehicle entries.
AllGoVision Technologies, a leading player in Video Analytics has presence in UK, USA, UAE and Korea. The offerings include Facial Recognition, ANPR, Traffic Management, Intelligent Crowd Management & Perimeter Protection. AllGoVision is one of the most trusted brands in Advanced Video Analytics powered by AI & Deep Learning. With 40+ basic and advanced features and Deep Learning capabilities, it ensures superior monitoring, detection, and recognition. Hosting a buffet of technologically advanced Safety & Security Products & Solutions, AllGoVision is connected with 100+ partner channels and System Integrators in more than 30 countries.
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